VISIONEDUCATIONAL: training courses to make your business unique in the market

Vision Cosmetic provides the tools to make your business stand out from competitors.


Un team di consulenti stilistici, tecnici e manageriali che metta a disposizione la conoscenza acquisita da ricerche moda effettuate in tutto il mondo. Uno shooting moda ispirata al fashion world che arricchisce il tuo salone di immagini esclusive e la tua professione di capacità uniche. Un mondo di prodotti per ogni esigenza: dalla colorazione allo styling.

Il frutto di questo know how è un innovativo programma di formazione stilistico e tecnico che permette lo sviluppo professionale in diversi step. Un panorama completo sulle tendenze: aggiornamento, didattica e tecnica, incontri internazionali, alla scoperta del global fashion


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Subject : Comprehensive project regarding the modern dyeing world. A complete journey of discovery of the functionality of all the Vision Cosmetic dye series. Goals : to learn to ...
Subject : advanced and detailed training in the world of modern dyeing. Goals : to learn modern corrective dyeing techniques on models (brought by the participant). Contents : ...
Subject : training targeted at collaborators on current lightening techniques using aluminum foil, waxed paper, freehand, etc. Goals : to learn the right application method. ...
Subject : the creative method is a new way of thinking ‘progressive’ hair dyeing on hair with darker tones at the roots up to lightening on lengths. Goals : to learn the right ...
Subject : targeted course on the techniques of the hair image consultant. Goals : knowing how to create the most appropriate image for every customer. Contents : creation of total ...
The Fifty Shades course is a top-quality level training course, a Master dyeing course. Goals : to support the hairdresser along a new path of professional growth, to increase ...